Support & FAQs



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Hero Forge® is a platform which lets you design and order custom tabletop miniatures and statuettes. Gone are the days of having to root through poorly stocked shelves or pour over low-resolution image galleries to find your perfect mini: now you can design it from the ground up. Using the latest in web and 3D printing technology, you can visualize your hero in 3D, export images for your character sheet or favorite virtual tabletop program, and order a bespoke, custom miniature.

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We want to hear your request! Please fill out this survey to request a part, race, or feature to be added to Hero Forge. Hero Forge cannot accommodate custom art or edits for a specific order.

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You can search for a specific part by opening up a submenu (e.g. Gear > Hands) and then clicking on the magnifying glass search icon. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, you can fill out this survey to request a part, race, or feature to be added to Hero Forge.

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Please see our Shipping page for production time estimates. After an order is placed, you can access your order's information and status on your profile page by clicking "Account," then "Orders" in the top right of our main site, then selecting your order number. There you will find your order status, estimated ship-out date, and any pertinent tracking information. We do not currently support any expedited production or shipping options.

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Scale. We have designed our miniatures and fantasy race presets to match the scale and proportions commonly used in tabletop role playing games: approximately 30mm scale (also known as 1:60 scale). With the exception of our 2X scale (see below), all our minis are approximately 30mm scale.

Base sizes. The base size for our most figures is 1 inch x 1 inch: the grid size most commonly used in tabletop roleplaying games and tactical maps. Centaurs and figures riding mounts like horses or motorcycles come on a longer 1 inch x 2 inch base to accommodate the larger footprint.

Height. Our fantasy race presets and sliders are designed to allow you to create figures without any in-depth knowledge of tabletop miniature scale and its history. Height slider units are in "fantasy feet": a non-linear scale tuned to provide relative options for all fictional races while maintaining miniature readability, durability, and compatibility. We recommend trusting the scale presets and units of the Height slider under Body > Measure, but users may also click the Settings icon beside the "height" slider for a UI approximating the measurements of the final physical product.

XL & XXL sizes. XL/XXL figures are designs which are especially large, tall, or equipped with certain larger or more complex parts. Due to the larger volume of material used and added complexity in manufacturing, a premium is charged for these figures. Several features and parts will update a mini to XL. Four or more of these features and parts will update a mini to XXL. Note that some XL parts are incompatible with our Steel and Bronze materials.

XL. The following parts and features will update a mini to XL:

  • Each part with an XL tag, such as certain weapons and wings.
  • Height over 7 feet tall.
  • Height over 8.5 feet tall.
  • Height over 10 feet tall.
  • Four arms.
  • Six arms.
  • Longer bases measuring 2" by 1".

XXL. The following parts and features will update a mini to XXL:
  • Each part with an XXL tag, such as mounts.
  • Four or more XL parts and features.

2X size. We know many users design figures for non-tabletop gaming uses as well. For those users, we also offer "2X" scale (1:30 scale) statuettes. This scale also corresponds to spells or effects that double a character's height, as it is double the size of our standard figures. These 2X statuettes are created using an SLS 3D printing process, in a nylon plastic material that is compatible with these larger proportions. You may find this additional option by clicking the "Show More" text in our "Buy" tab. We do not offer this larger scale in our standard materials, and the 2X size cannot be combined with XL or XXL sizes.

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The history of scale in tabletop roleplaying and war games is interesting and sprawling. Most modern brands and system use 25mm/28mm "heroic scale" figures, which sounds ostensibly smaller than 30mm scale, but 'heroic scale' commonly sees the practice of exaggerating a range of features like height, hand, weapon, and head size for improved detail and readability. This makes 28mm "heroic scale" mostly indistinguishable from 30mm scale miniatures. To further complicate this, many brands use "to-the-eye" scale, with scale measurements referencing the height from the bottom of the feet to a character’s eye level rather than the figure's full height: this practice contributed to the "size creep" that resulted in modern day figures being notable taller and larger than the 25mm/28mm declared scale. This is true for most modern miniatures, though some brands have adopted the label '28mm "true scale"' to indicate that they will appear smaller than a typical figure; about 1:64 scale, which is uncommon outside of the "S Scale" used for model trains.

This has all been taken into account in the creation of our presets, height units, and default sizes: we recommend trusting the scale presets and "fantasy feet" units of the Height slider under Body > Measurements. However, users may also click the gear icon beside the "height" slider for approximate measurements of the final physical product when trying to replicate a non-standard scale range or other pre-existing figure. When standing up straight, our human male preset is approximately 30mm tall from ground plane to eye level, matching most 30mm miniatures and many 28mm "heroic scale" miniatures.

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You can check out our Products page for more in-depth information about the materials' properties. We have shared our experiences and impressions about the materials, but note that HERO FORGE® does not give any warranty about the models and does not guarantee that the model will be fit for any particular purposes.

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Many users like to paint their miniatures. Please refer to the Buy menu or our Products page for more information about individual materials including strength, paintability, and detail levels. Before you begin painting, you can gently clean your miniature with warm water and dish soap or a degreasing cleaner. This will remove any dust, dirt, or residue left over from the manufacturing process. Allow it to dry. Then you can apply a light layer of miniature paint primer to help additional layers of paint to adhere to your model.

Normal acrylic miniature paints from all popular brands work well on our figures. Note that 3D prints tend to be more textured and a little less smooth than injection molded plastics. Also note that Hero Forge® prints are not subject to the limitations to pose and posture that an injection molded mini might be, allowing for more natural, human poses, and more realistically shaped clothes. We believe this provides a level of realism that has been lacking in miniatures for some time! This can make some areas more difficult to reach with a brush, like the underside of skirts and capes or other recessed areas. Plan accordingly as you design your miniature.

Please visit our Youtube channel for painting tutorials.

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When your custom miniature is manufactured, we add an identification number on the underside of the figure’s base or, in the case of miniatures printed without a base, on an easily removable tag attached to the underside of a character’s foot. This identification number is necessary to the sorting and shipping process and cannot be removed or customized.

Digital Items
We do not add this identification number to Digital Downloads, so you are on your own remembering which home-printed mini is which.

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The Refined XL Pricing system is a replacement for our old XL and XXL pricing model. It allows for a more gradual increase in pricing based on the overall size, volume, and complexity of the miniature, rather than a sharp jump in price between the regular, XL, and XXL size brackets. Anything added beyond the baseline price of the mini will have its price calculated on a more consistent, granular level. The Refined XL Pricing system also includes the added benefit of a lower starting price of $39.99 for our Color-Printed Plastic.

Miniatures are now priced on a scale depending on the miniature's total volume, complexity, and size. This is similar to the old system, but with smaller price steps to provide a smoother and more predictable cost increase.

The Refined XL Pricing system is designed to give users more predictable, affordable, and fair buying experience on larger, more complex minis.

Any orders placed before our new Refined XL Pricing went into effect on June 10th, 2024 will not be impacted by these changes.

Any minis in your cart from before the Refined XL Pricing model went into effect will remain priced based on the old model. If you want to get the new pricing, you’ll need to remove the mini from your cart and re-add it.

The baseline price of minis will stay the same, but if you have an XL or XXL mini, there is a good chance the price will be better than previously. In some cases, the price of your mini may increase. This may be because the volume of your mini exceeds the pricing bracket accounted for by the old pricing system, or because of the additional fee required for dual (non-layered) minis.

Our minis will continue to have a set baseline price to cover the minimum production cost. The new Refined XL Pricing system applies to minis that include extra features that make them larger than average. Note that the baseline price of the Color-Printed Plastic material is now $39.99.

No, all newly purchased minis will have their price calculated using the new Refined XL Pricing system.

Currently, only Basic Plastic, Premium Plastic, Color-Printed Plastic, and Bronze are affected. Color Standees, Digital Miniatures, and STLs will still have their price calculated by the old pricing system.

Nope! Digital Miniature and STL pricing will stay the same.

This will affect two-character miniatures in the following materials: Basic Plastic, Premium Plastic, Color-Printed Plastic, and Bronze. While two-character miniatures will see a small additional cost due to the added complexity, miniatures that utilize two merged characters on one base will almost certainly see a decrease in price.

The pricing of minis is influenced by their volume, size, and complexity. Volume can increase quite quickly–for example, a character whose height is doubled ends up occupying eight times as much volume! To help bring the cost down, consider making slight adjustments to the mini’s overall height, or remove any large or oversized items.

Face Customizer is our latest feature update to Hero Forge® that allows users to better define the facial details and expressions of their miniatures.

No, Face Customizer is available to all users.

They will remain unchanged until you try to edit their heads, at which point they will be updated as they’re converted to the Face Customizer system. If you want to preserve your original mini, we recommend maintaining a legacy version of it by opening a copy of it to check out how it looks once transferred into the Face Customizer.

  • Upon visiting the “Head” menu in the character customization menu, you will automatically be prompted to update the old head to the new Face Customizer system.
  • We’ll do our best to preserve your mini’s colors, horns, ears, teeth, and expressions, but some might change in the update process.
  • Once updated, you cannot use the “undo” function to return the head back to the original version.
  • We recommend opening your miniature as a copy if you want to preserve the original face. To open a mini as a copy, select the mini you want to open from the “heroes” menu, then select “open copy” from the lower left options menu.

The Face Customizer system is now the default way to create faces and edit expressions. The old system is no longer available.

Color zones for Face Customizer heads are now unified, which enables the system to blend between different morphologies and expressions. The previous color zones are now decals and can be found in the Color > Decals section of the site.

All Face Customizer compatible heads have a gear icon behind their thumbnail.

The Hero Forge® Access Key is a new system that connects a user’s Hero Forge® account to a supported virtual tabletop. A connected Hero Forge® account will automatically sync with the virtual tabletop and add all 3D Digital minis a user has purchased to the virtual tabletop.

Login to your Hero Forge® account and click on Personal Info in your account menu. Here you’ll find your unique Access Key. Copy the entire Access Key and paste it into the supported virtual tabletop. For specific instructions, refer to your virtual tabletop of choice listed below.

Yes. Once the Access Key is connected to your virtual tabletop, all 3D Digital minis that have finished processing will become usable in your games.

Only minis shared in a game session will be visible to other players.

It takes about fifteen minutes for a Hero Forge® 3D Digital mini to process, after which you will receive an email notifying you that it’s ready to use. If you haven’t received the notification email and the miniature hasn’t shown up within one business day, please reach out to [email protected].

3D Digital purchases provide both Access Key and Berserk Games’ Tabletop Simulator download versions of your miniature. Your download page can be found here.

You will be sent both an order confirmation email and an order complete email. The order complete email will confirm that the mini has finished processing and is available to use through the Access Key or to download.

To report a bug regarding Hero Forge® 3D Digital miniatures, submit a bug report here.

For assistance with technical issues on the Hero Forge® site, visit our troubleshooting page.

Hero Forge® customer support can be reached at [email protected].

Follow this link to MirrorScape’s breakdown of how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For help, bug reporting, or troubleshooting, you can contact [email protected].

Follow this link to Battle Map Studio’s breakdown of how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For help, bug reporting, or troubleshooting, you can contact [email protected].

Follow this link to Foundry’s breakdown of how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For issues or bugs, visit this page For help and troubleshooting, join Foundry’s Discord Server to get additional assistance!

Follow this link to Harpy’s breakdown of how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For additional help and troubleshooting, you can contact Harpy at [email protected].

Follow this link to Scene Grinder’s breakdown of how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For help and troubleshooting, join Scene Grinder’s Discord Server to get assistance! For any additional issues or bugs, you can contact [email protected].

Click this link to read Talespire’s instructions on how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For feedback and bugs, use this form. For additional help and troubleshooting, contact Talespire at [email protected].

Follow this link to RPG Stories breakdown on how to add and use Hero Forge® 3D Digital minis in their system.

For additional help and troubleshooting, contact RPG Stories at [email protected].

You can find your order status by going to your Order History page and then selecting your order number to get to your Order Details page. Here you will also see an estimated ship date, which is the date we anticipate your order will ship out.


  • Processing: Your minis are being prepared for manufacture, and digital minis are being created.
  • In Production: Your minis have been sent to our manufacturer and are being printed, cleaned, and packed. This step typically takes 2-3 weeks, depending on the material of the minis.
  • Shipped: Your order has shipped! Tracking information is now available on your Order Details page.

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You can find an estimated ship date by going to your Order History page and then selecting your order number to get to your Order Details page. The estimated ship date is the date we anticipate your order will ship out.

This date is an estimate and can sometimes be off by a few days, give or take. However, orders typically do not ship more than a few days past this estimated ship date.

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After your order is submitted, you will have 24 hours to cancel your physical minis, which you can do by going to your Order History page, selecting your order, and scrolling down to the cancel option. Refunds can take several business days to show up on your bank statement.

If you need to make any changes to your order, such as redesigning a mini, changing a material, or adding or removing a mini from the order, you will need to cancel the order within this period and place a fresh order with your changes. You will not lose your mini designs, as they can be accessed from the Purchases tab of your Heroes folder. We unfortunately do not currently accommodate direct changes to your order.

Digital models and gift cards cannot be cancelled or changed.

Orders containing digital models or gift cards can only be cancelled by contacting us.

Subscriptions may be cancelled so that they do not renew, but your subscription will run the full length of its initial term. All subscription payments are non-refundable.

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To change your shipping address, you must contact us with your new address as soon as possible. Simply updating your saved address will not change the shipping address associated with an order.

Please note that, if you need to change the country your order is shipped to, you will need to cancel your order and re-place it with the correct shipping address.

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If your order arrived damaged or incorrect, please contact us within 10 days of receipt with a photo of the issue.

Digital Items
Our digital models may not print well on every printer. If you believe that there is a problem with the file you received, we encourage you to load it in a program specifically designed for viewing 3D models, such as Blender (free). Then, please contact us with a description and screenshot of the problem.

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If you gave us the wrong shipping address, then your order may get sent back to us, in which case we can reship the order to you. Please wait until the tracking status is either marked “Delivered” or shows that the package is being returned, and then contact us about this issue. Be sure to include your correct shipping address in your message.

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Please be sure to check behind gates, off porches, in any mail rooms, and with roommates or front desk personnel that may have received the package. Sometimes a package will fall or be put in a place where people don't think to look. It happens more often than you'd think!

Unfortunately, we've actually seen it happen that a package gets delivered after the tracking information says it's delivered. Please wait for one week after the tracking status is marked “Delivered,” then contact us.

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If your package is being returned to us, we will reship the package to you once your returned package is received and processed. This can take a couple of weeks, since we receive returns in batches.

Please contact us to confirm your address and to let us know where you would like the package to be reshipped. Please note that packages can only be reshipped to the country in the original shipping address.

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If your tracking information has not been updated in over a week and you still have not received your package, please contact us. If it has been less than a week, please wait a little longer before contacting us, as it may sometimes take some time for the tracking to update due to postal service issues.

Canada and Australia.
If your order is being shipped to Canada or Australia, you won’t see tracking information after the package is transferred to the local post. Please contact us to get the Canada Post or Australia Post tracking information.

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If your order arrived damaged or incorrect, please contact us within 10 days of receipt with a photo of the issue.

Digital Items
Our digital models may not print well on every printer. If you believe that there is a problem with the file you received, we encourage you to load it in a program specifically designed for viewing 3D models, such as Blender (free). Then, please contact us with a description and screenshot of the problem.

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If you forgot your password, you can use the password reset option to get a new one. Be sure to check your spam folder for the password reset email.

Be sure to log in with the same login method you used when you signed up. For example, if you used Google Authorization to log in, you'll need to do so again.

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Most of the time, a payment error is a result of the provided billing zip code not matching what the bank has on file. Some online shops don't validate this information, so it can go unnoticed for a while after people move, and if they haven't updated their bank.

Another reason for a payment error is that our credit card processor does not accept prepaid cards.

If neither of these is the case, please contact us, making sure to include the email address associated with the Hero Forge® account that is attempting the payment, as well as the date of the payment attempt and any error you are receiving.

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Please see our Troubleshooting page for common problems and their solutions.

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Hero Forge® offers digital .stl print files of your minis for 3D printing, as well as digital 3D asset bundles for use in 3D virtual tabletop applications like Berserk Games' "Tabletop Simulator."

We do not offer refunds or exchanges for digital models, and recommend testing out one of our free samples prior to purchase.

STL Download

STL Download files can be loaded into your 3D printing software of choice for printing at home. They are not suitable for importing into virtual tabletop applications. Models are tessellated meshes with a polycount of up to 100,000 triangles. They are not rigged for animation and do not come with supports.

Note that Hero Forge® miniatures are finely detailed scale models. As a result, some home 3D printers do not have the ability to faithfully replicate the level of detail present in the source model or have issues printing thin, free-standing “wire” parts or the thin supports necessary to support a model during the build process. As a result, Hero Forge® does not give any warranty about the models, and does not guarantee that the model will be fit for any particular purposes or be compatible with any specific make or model of printer. If you’d like to view and print sample model files before purchasing, please use one of our two sample models available on your Digital Downloads page or below:

Paladin STL Example Download
Explorer STL Example Download

For more information on our STL Download products and images of user prints, check out our digital download information page.

3D Tabletop Download

3D Tabletop Download asset bundles can be imported into Berserk Games' "Tabletop Simulator" or similar virtual tabletop applications. They are not suitable for 3D printing. Asset bundles are distributed in zipped .unity3d format, include color textures, and are not rigged for animation.

Note that some textures and materials may render differently on-site when compared to your virtual tabletop application. Hero Forge® does not give any warranty about the 3D Tabletop Download, and does not guarantee that the model will be fit for any particular purposes or be compatible with any specific virtual tabletop. If you’d like to examine a sample download before purchasing to verify compatibility or rendered appearance, please use our free sample model, available on your Digital Downloads page or below:

Explorer Tabletop Example Download

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Yes! You can download free sample models from your Digital Downloads page or below:

STL Download
Paladin STL Example Download
Explorer STL Example Download

3D Tabletop Download
Explorer Tabletop Example Download

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Our digital models and physical minis are sold separately. The purchase of one does not come with the other.

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Digital orders are typically made available within 15 minutes of purchase. As a result, we cannot accommodate the return or modification of a digital mini.

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You can check out our digital download information page for photos of sample prints from various popular printers.

Hero Forge® miniatures are finely detailed scale models. As a result, some home 3D printers do not have the ability to faithfully replicate the level of detail present in the source model or have issues printing thin, free-standing “wire” parts or the thin supports necessary to support a model during the build process. As a result, Hero Forge® does not give any warranty about the models, and does not guarantee that the model will be fit for any particular purposes or be compatible with any specific make or model of printer.

You can print one of our free sample digital models to test out your printer before making a purchase. They are available on your Digital Downloads page or below:

Paladin Example Download
Explorer Example Download

Still need help?

You may be seeing a simple outline of your model if you’re using a program like Preview to view it. We recommend opening the models in a program specifically designed for viewing 3D models. There are several free options available, such as Blender. That should fix the visual issues you're seeing.

Still need help?

  1. Select the “Objects” tab from the navigation bar at the top of your Tabletop Simulator window.
  2. In the newly-opened “Objects” window, select the ”Components” option.
  3. In the “Components” window, select “Custom,” then select “AssetBundle.”
  4. Place a marker where you would like your model to be imported. This is done by right clicking on your game space. This placement can be updated later.
  5. Once this marker has been placed, it will initially resemble a gray cube. Right click to open Custom Assetbundle import settings window.
  6. In the “Custom Assetbundle” window, click “Browse Local Files” under “Main”. Navigate to your unzipped .unity3d asset bundle file and click “select.” Choose the “Cloud” option and select an upload location if you are playing online with others. Choose the “Local” option if you are not. We also recommend selecting “Figurine” under “Type.”
  7. Click “Import.” If your model has been imported successfully, you will see a “Loading Complete” success message in green.
Note that this description may become out of date with future software updates. Please review custom AssetBundle import instructions on Tabletop Simulator’s home page here.

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Please read our Subscriptions FAQ for information and FAQ about Subscriptions.

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We do not currently license our art or models for commercial purposes, so you may not use our minis in your board game or other project. See our Terms of Service for more information.

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If you are interested in a sponsorship, please fill out the following form:

Our sponsorship coordinator will reach out to you if there is a good fit.

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Yes, we do! Please apply via our media request form.

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Please fill out our media request form. Hero Forge® will reach out to you if there's a good fit.

See our Terms of Service for more information.

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Hero Forge® has some requirements and restrictions to image and asset usage. Please use our media request form for more information and to apply for permission.

See our Terms of Service for more information.

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Based on the 'first sale' doctrine, a user can do whatever they want with their physical, tangible product of the mini, including selling that one single product. Copyright law allows that, but it does not allow and they may not use the underlying 3D model or expressive content that is comprised within the mini in any other tangible expression or way or copy it.

See our Terms of Service for more information.

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Yes, a person or business may charge to print or paint our figures, with some conditions. The customer must purchase the models from Hero Forge® directly and provide them to the service provider. In the case of printing services, the printer is only allowed to produce copies for the purchaser, and must delete the files after this transaction is complete.

See our Terms of Service for more information.

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You will retain all ownership rights in and to the general and abstract elements of original characters that you created prior to using, including their names and basic elements, but the actual depictions of them and any 3D Models based on them that you may create on or through are the property of Sky Castle Studios.

See our Terms of Service for more information.

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We offer digital gift cards in certain set amounts. Gift cards are emailed to your account email within minutes of purchase. They can be redeemed as a gift card balance by anybody during checkout or in the Gift Cards tab of the My Account section of our site.

Once a gift card is redeemed in an account, it cannot be transferred. Gift card balance will automatically be used in purchases until it is depleted, but cannot be used to purchase subscriptions or more gift cards.

Gift cards are non-refundable.

If you previously purchased a gift voucher from us that only worked toward a specific material or shipping, these codes will now add a gift card balance to your account that can be used for anything we sell (except subscriptions or another gift card). You can add these codes to your account in the same way as new gift codes.

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Gift cards are emailed to your account email within minutes of purchase, separate from your confirmation email. These emails often get stuck in spam folders, so be sure to check there.

If your gift card email is not in your spam folder or was lost, please contact us with your order number or the email address associated with your Hero Forge® account.

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Our gift cards are 100% digital and are not sent in the mail. After your purchase, gift cards will be delivered via email to the purchaser, separately from your order confirmation, and can be printed or forwarded to the recipient.

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Gift cards can be redeemed on your Gift Cards page, or by clicking the "+APPLY GIFT CARD OR PROMO CODE" button in the cart.

Gift card balance may not be used to pay for subscriptions at this time.

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Please contact us with your question and the full gift code.

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All quoted prices are in USD.

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We don't currently offer any bulk discounts for either physical or digital models.

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The 3D printed plastics and metals we use to produce our miniatures are not food safe, nor are they delicious. They are not designed to be used with, on, or as food.

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Unfortunately we cannot accommodate direct pickups -- all orders are shipped.

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